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meet our
slightly special 
Legendary wedding and portrait photographers ( and part time comedy duo) Chris & Stevie Manson are a father & son team covering a wide range of photographic services in Scotland & Sweden (or pretty much anywhere you'd like us to go). 

Chris Manson (JR)
Photographer in Scotland
Stevie Manson (Sr)
Photographer in Sweden

our photography services

At ZeePhoto we provide a large range of photographic services. Whether you're looking for photos of your wedding or wanting some first class  advertising images or are trying to create a complete portfolio. 

family portraitsPortraits either in the studio or on location.
photo shoots Fashion shoots, Commercial Shoots or Product Shots
wedding pictures Wedding Photography across the whole of Scotland.
lighting specialists Band Shoots, Actors Headshots 

want to say hello to us?

contact us
if theres something strange in your neighbourhood, who ya gonna call...
Welll, we're not sure if we can help with that but if you do want any more information on any of our services drop us a wee email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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